This Guy

So what's my story...

Well, I am a Dad. I am a few other things too, but I am a Dad first. Originally from
Wappinger Falls, New York, home of the John Jay Patriots and a few other INCREDIBLE things, like Joe's Dairy Bar, and Grandmama and Grandpa. They ARE the hotness. Check 'em out if you ever pass through town. 

Now from Day 1 to high school graduation my life was pretty gravy; I'm talking ‘high on sunshine.’ But somewhere around my college years, things got weird. Back in 1996 I discovered a harsh reality; that when you don't attend class on any sort of a regular basis while in college, the odds are pretty heavy that you're not going to earn a degree. So rather than spend the rest of my adult years running from my parents and renting jet-skis in the Bahamas,  I took my talents to the United States Navy to try a bit of humble pie and self-discovery. Over 20 years later I am still wearing the uniform. In that time I've crossed the globe; I've loved, married, failed, and more importantly, I've LEARNED.  Now here I am, sharing the intense responsibility of parenting and doing my best to be a great father to my daughters Basil and Sabine. I gotta get this right. And I will - for THEM. Because they didn't ask to be on this earth. They are here and I am going to LOVE them and RAISE them alongside their MOTHER to be intelligent, beautiful, confident, driven, and purposeful women. I owe them this. I owe them all the energy and love I can bring forth. Why? Because I am Daddy! And I will be for a lifetime. 

Sooo, since I couldn't find the rule book on how to be a parent, I did the next best thing. I wrote one. No, not a RULE book - a guide book.  Daddy's Love Notes are simply life lessons for my little girls. They are stories for and about my daughters, my life, and everything else in between. Little snapshots of my world put into letters. And I hope one day they'll mean something.

Be well out there people, and spread a little good wherever you can. It'll make you look cool to your kids.

Peace, Bear Hugs, and breakfast for dinner!

- Bashon aka Dad, Daddy-O, Baby-Fahva! #GIRLDAD #MAMBACITA